No of days: 4 Nights/ 5 Days
    Overview of the trip:
    Day 1, 2: SasanGir
    Day 3 to 5: Diu
  • Glimpses of the tour:
    Gir National Park.
    Nagoa Beach.
    Museum and Diu Fort.
    Somnath Jyotirling Temple.

SasanGir is among the most essential untamed life havens of India, and vacationer puts in Gujarat and furthermore Gir National Park is notable everywhere throughout the world as the last living space of the Asiatic lion.
A land with a long and profound authentic past, SasanGir is one of the most loved decisions of numerous Indian voyagers, explorers and travelers.
Diu is arranged seaward from the territory of Saurashtra.
A wonderful mix of sun, sand and ocean, is a Gods blessing to those in mission of a favored turf where the careful weight of the muddled world can, for some time, be helped and the waking soul can hear the music of the circles.
It is an island withdraw tenderly shaken by the breeze and the wave from the Arabian Sea. It offers you undisturbed peace and an irregular occasion.